
The Users’ Group for Mass Spectrometry and Chromatography (MaSC) was established in March 2003 as a discussion forum for scientists studying cultural heritage materials, who wish to exchange information regarding

  1. sampling strategies and protocols,
  2. preparation of samples,
  3. chromatographic and mass spectrometric analysis,
  4. data treatment and interpretation of results.

In keeping with these aims, a focus of the users’ group is the compilation and distribution of mass spectrometric and chromatographic data relevant to scientists working in art conservation and related fields. MaSC is currently accepting contributions to its mass spectral database, and will be adding other types of databases in the future.

The users’ group aims to organise a meeting and workshop every two years alternating between Europe and North America. If you are interested in joining the Users’ Group for Mass Spectrometry and Chromatography (MaSC), please see the membership page.

Organising Committee
Klaas Jan van den Berg (Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands/University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands)
Christopher Maines (National Gallery of Art, Washington DC, USA)
Ester Ferreira (Cologne Institute of Conservation Sciences, Cologne University  of Applied Sciences, Cologne, Germany)
Catherine Higgitt (National Gallery, London, UK)
David Peggie (National Gallery, London, UK)
Ken Sutherland (Art Institute of Chicago, USA)

Page last updated: September 15, 2016